Experiments in Ice!

Jennifer Shea Hedberg | 14 January, 2016

Bubble bucket ice lantern by Jennifer Shea Hedberg of Wintercraft

In the last few years, I have become known as the "Ice Wrangler". Its a fun moniker that has stuck in part because of my ability to maneuver huge sheets of ice, Ice Glass, to create luminary ice sculptures. Just recently I discovered that I am also know as the Ice Lantern Queen and this link will take you to a recently written article about how and why I developed Wintercraft. It also discusses, at length, about making Globe Ice Lanterns. While it is well written and spot on accurate, it made me realize that I need to start telling people about the other icy things I do, because globes are just the tip of the iceberg. 


For one, I love to experiment with ice. The above photo is an icy experiment that will find its way into my book, Ice Luminary Magic, but also into a luminary ice sculpture that I am going to build for a wedding this weekend. I call this concept - "Ice Bubble Pedestal Lantern". Will it hold a globe or be surrounded by Ice Glass, or both? That will all come together as I am working. 


Ice Bubble Pedestal Detail

I love making luminary sculptures. I've done countless unique creations over the years from kids birthday parties to weddings to commissioned corporate events. To be honest, often much of the decision process occurs on site, as I have analyzed how the ice pieces have held up in transport. When a piece breaks, it becomes 2 or more different pieces, so it has to evolve. If I fall in love with a piece of ice, it will surely break. So, I try to find the best ice pieces I have, I load them up and put them together somewhere else - it always seems to work out.  


I did have one disaster recently. I thought it would be fun to freeze a small sculpture of Adrian Peterson into an ice globe for last Sunday's NFL playoff Vikings-Seahawks football game (it was a cold day and was touted as the "Ice Bowl").  Hmmm. Not only did our Vikings team let us down AGAIN, but the little Adrian moved on me at the last minute and froze into a bad position. It even thermal shocked as I was carrying it. Jinxed. At least he was still holding the ball . . . (that was mean. I apologize.)


Adrian Peterson failed experiment


I will wait for this one to melt and try using Adrian again - next year.


Enjoy the glow!

Jennifer Shea Hedberg



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