Festive Front Door! Plan Ahead to Light it up with a Globe Ice Lantern

Jennifer Shea Hedberg | 20 November, 2015 | 1 Comment


Globe Ice Lantern Perch in Front Entrance Planter

I present to you - the Globe Ice Lantern Perch - otherwise known as a short log wedged into a planter to provide a landing spot for a beautiful glowing orb . . . Easy-peasy!


I know this will be hard to believe(haha), but when I create a front entrance planter, I like to build in at least one perch for a Globe Ice Lantern to sit. I give myself extra points if it looks good without a globe as well, so I like to use short, fat logs. They fit right into an arrangement and are easy to stabilize. Birch logs are still readily available in my area, but any bark-covered log will do.


So, pull out the tired flowers from the summer and fall and replace them with winter hardy greens and hardgoods before it gets too cold!


First, you will need to gather your supplies:

Materials needed for Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch in Front Entrance Planter

1. Planter suitable for outdoor use (or don't mind if it cracks in the cold) filled with dirt

2. Log with at least one flat end - about 8 inches wide

3. Hardy greens, sticks and other hardgood decorations for outdoor use

4. Trowel or small shovel

5. Level 

6. Clippers

7. Tools to break up frozen earth: Wonderbar, hammer and drill with spade bit

8. Water bucket


OK, lets get started . . .

Clear out any old flowers or hardgoods from the area and use your shovel to mix up and level the soil. Add extra dirt if needed.

Prepare soil in Front Entrance Planter for Wintecraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch

Plant a large log in the dirt, and if there's room, also add some big branches. Try to dig down into the soil and pack to secure them in place. Use a level to make sure that the Globe Ice Lantern Perch is as level as possible. 

Plant logs and other large branches in dirt for Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch

If you have a Globe Ice Lantern in your freezer, position it on the log perch while adding the greens and other hardgoods.

Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern on Perch log while building if possible

If you purchased a mixture of greens and sticks, sort them out by type.

Sort the greens and hardgoods for the Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch Front Entrance Planter

Start pressing the larger greens into the soil and make sure they remain standing.

Start to add greens to the Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch Front Entrance Planter

Fill in with more greens and . . .

Fill in more greens into the Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch Front Entrance Planter

 . . . decorations and . . . 

Add other hardwood decorations to the Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch Front Entrance Planter

 . . . sticks for texture.

Add sticks for texture to the Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch Front Entrance Planter

If there are any glaring open spots, I sacrifice lower branches of my juniper bushes and fill in where needed. Water the arrangement so when it gets cold it will all freeze into place.


So, there you go - a Front Entrance Planter using a log to create a Perch for a Globe Ice Lantern made with Wintercraft kits and supplies!

Finished Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch Front Entrance Planter

And it will look good while you patiently wait for weather that is cold enough to make Globe Ice Lanterns! But remember, it's also easy to make Globe Ice Lanterns in the freezer (See Wintercraft instructions).

Come to think of it, the Globe Ice Lantern Perch log would be a good landing spot for any sort of lantern that is safe to use outdoors. I will have to take a photo of one and edit it in later :)

Wintercraft Globe Ice Lantern Perch in Front Entrance Planter without a Globe Ice Lantern

I tend not be a planner, BUT I love having this perch ready to go on a cold winter nights when we spontaneously invite guests over for dinner and want to make the entrance welcoming with a Globe Ice Lantern or 2 . . . or more!   

Enjoy the Glow!


©Wintercraft.  All Rights Reserved. This blog post may be linked to and credited, however, the contents including all photos, videos and text may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.


Comments (1 Response)

24 November, 2015

Jennifer Shea Hedberg

I will be updating this blog with a beautiful image of a glowing Globe Ice Lantern at dusk. I just wanted to get this idea out there – its getting cold fast!

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